~ Phoenix Festival Three ~
The Salad Days

"speaking of chicken hed...i understood what they were doing but thoroughly HATED IT. i really love it when artists push boundaries but some boundaries are there for a reason. moderation is good. i mean, there is a difference between a little playful sadism and being raped, beaten and chopped into fifty pieces. chicken hed was the aural equivalent of the latter. after dancing my ass off for the entire hux flux set and a good amount of DJ Anti's, a couple hours of sleep would have been nice but some people had to blare faux-clever noise all over the camp. blah. but whatever, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger." -Anonymous

"chickenhed was *AWESOME*. from the early-morning announcement of "for everyone on acid.. this is for you! you are now being brainwashed!" to the "little boys have a vagina!" record to the 16th rendition of some weird story about heads being shattered through a vocoder.. they never ceased to rawk. poor guys. they told me they had recieved anonymous death threats and non-anonymous in-person threats from most of the party. dave & i went over and kicked it with them for quite some time... they gave us rainier beer and michael bolton photos ripped out of a michael bolton hardcover book. touching photos of his long brown curly-mullet surrounded by adoring fans. i can't understand why anyone would be hostile to hospitality like that. the chicken bones and heads laying around were great decoration. weird isn't necessarily mean. word to the provokers. if i could have chicken hed at every party, i would. we need chickenhed now." - "Groovin'" Kim

The Bad Pioneer convenes a hoedown.

Bad choices.

Dogs and cats, living together: mass hysteria!

Strictly laissez faire.

Bearly Legal.

Dummerier than your average poultry rave.

"Curse you, ChickenHed!!!"


Onyx & F!K!M!P.

You kind of had to be there.

What's the matter, Col. Sanders?


The Bag Piponeer.

Not even the most advanced CPR techniques revived the Hed.

"We forgot the pitchforks. Who was supposed to bring the pitchforks?"

The Bad Pioneer activates the Omega Contingency Plan.
Michael Bolton Died For Your Sins... Will You Let Him into Your Diaper?