ChickenHed Plays the SeaHawks Stadium?
Muschi lied to USC so Inertia Labs was really Hed then we planned really cool ideas but then we were at a weka usc on halloween so we got served by ourselves for being somewhere that sucks opn halloween. and paul van dyk was there but he did't like our masks of dick van dyke or signs and he had a posse
and also the usac people are divcks abd the seahwaks securitt are also dicks. But we wree the real dicks and also, the people ar the p[arty were foodtubes. and nothing more~! But we got asome money for onec~!!!!!!!!!!! But seriouskly, they made this lame gravyard and the whole thing was brought to you by Bud. They were total jerks! But you have to feel sorry for anyone with such a potent combo of egotism and bbanality. Kinda like US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if there's cops reading this, yes the usc people are ALL ABOUT DRUGS. AND stealing form the people who really costly tickets (even though so0me of our dumbcluck frinedns snuck in.) AnD BEING MEAN. USC RUINED HALLOWEEN. ANd LTJ HOOKER IS COOL 10 YEARS AGO, maybe. and we did enjoy ashcroftaoke b ut food and water and heat would have been nice! USC is not interested in anything but your money and maybe handjobs. Save yoiurself some time and just pay us $50 dollars to hit you on the head with a rock.