~ Phoenix Festival Four~
The Dawn of RakenBroom
Kill the body and the Hed will die... right?
Their set list was long and distinguished- just like my johnson.
A tilted cathedral.
Carny Jerkwater, Dirty Jesus, Amos Happ & The Bad Pioneer.
The Bad Pioneer
This is only a test.
Battling for control of "A1A Beachfront Avenue".
"Keep your shirt on! No, seriously, you need to put your shirt on."
David Lee Rothko.
Amos Happ
Old, frayed Dick.
Young, Dumb, and full of Cum.
Ye Olde ChickenHed Village Commons.
Bill Cosby asked for a pudding pop. Instead, Dr. Top Cock replaced his right arm with a nutria.

Don's Hos.
The Hed
Village plebians.
The prom rages.
Rakin' 2: Electric Broomaloo
What's in that fanny pack?
Can you remember when shirtcocking was something we did for the good of humanity, not just for more blow?
Say "Cheese"
Hump Your Monitor.
Broomin' it and Broomin' it and Broomin' it well.
Day Three
Another morning confronts the beleagured denizens of ChickenHed Village.
Even the Hed looked embarrassed by this point.
"Look at that exquisite rake!"
Hard to go wrong with helium.
The RakenBroom DumbCluck Drilling Machine musters the congregation for Church.
"Sorry to rake you! I didn't know you were asweep!"
Golgotha or Bust.
"Great party. Where's the cats?" - G. Gordon Shumway
Incidentally, the original Rake and Broom were expropriated by Dirty Jesus from a Garbage Truck about 3 days prior to this incendiary march.